Paving the Future of Resilient Cities & Territories

In the nexus of innovation, urban development, and technology lies the heart of HACKADIR. As cities around the world strive to adapt and innovate in an ever-changing global landscape, HACKADIR emerges as a beacon for young thinkers, visionaries, and dreamers. We believe in the potential of the youth to reinvent, reimagine, and revolutionize the future of urban living. If you're a student, alumni brimming with ideas, this is your platform to shape tomorrow.

« A major risk is a threat to man and his direct environment, to his buildings; a threat whose gravity is such that society is absolutely overwhelmed by the immensity of the disaster ».

Important Update:

Due to the unforeseen 2023 Marrakesh–Safi Earthquake that struck on September 8, 2023, we have made the decision to reschedule the World Electronics Forum 2023 and Hackathon to April 15-16, 2024. This change is in response to the devastating impact of the earthquake on the Marrakesh–Safi region. Our hearts go out to those affected, and we are committed to addressing the specific needs of Resilient Cities & Territories through digital and electronics solutions.

Individuals & Teams Application

Are you a visionary student, or alumni eager to contribute to the future of Resilient Cities & Territories? Dive deep into this Resilient City concept with us and play a role in digital transformation at times of urgency!


- Students and alumni from recognized universities and schools worldwide.
- Students and alumni from diverse fields including engineering, architecture, urban planning, computer science, environmental sciences, or any related discipline.
- A passion for innovation and shaping the future of urban environments.
- A passion to make an impact around a project that addresses the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Why Apply:

1. Collaborate with like-minded students from various disciplines and universities.
2. Develop and pitch innovative solutions for real-world urban challenges.
3. Learn from industry experts, mentors, and thought leaders in the fields of urban and electronics development.
4. Showcase your ideas to potential investors, employers, and industry leaders.
5. Impact urban evolution and be recognized for your groundbreaking contributions

Hackadir Themes to Explore

The Resilient Cities projects will embrace the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals while focusing on Emergency Services, Sustainable Infrastructure, and Sustainable Energy.

Emergency services

Develop cutting-edge urban service ideas that prioritize citizen experiences and efficient functionality at times of emergency, such as natural extreme events.

Sustainable infrastructure

Envision and enhance the backbone of urban cities in a sustainable way - mobility, decision-making systems, peer-to-peer networks, and more.

Sustainable Energy

Propose sustainable solutions focusing on self-sufficiency, green energy and waste management.

Rewards for Winners

Project Incubation

Get your winning idea incubated in one of our partner programs.

Travel Opportunity

Possible travel to the incubator or a targeted market location.

Event Award

Recognition and accolades in the grand event.

Key Dates:

Application Deadline: [Insert Date]
Hackathon Date: April 15-16, 2024 - winners will stay until April 18th evening to pitch at the gala (TBC)

Do you have what it takes to shape the future of resilient cities? Apply now and embark on a journey of innovation, collaboration, and transformation. Let's together redefine the urban landscapes of tomorrow!


Why Morocco, World Electronics Forum and Hackadir?

Morocco, the World Electronics Forum (WEF), and Hackadir together form a dynamic partnership that encapsulates innovation, resilience, and a commitment to shaping a brighter future. 

Morocco: A Beacon of Innovation and Sustainability
Morocco's selection as the host country for the October 2023 WEF and Hackadir is no coincidence. This North African nation has emerged as a regional leader in innovation and sustainability. Its strategic geographical location, at the crossroads of Europe and Africa, makes it an ideal hub for exploring the intersection of technology and urban development.

Morocco has witnessed a burgeoning ecosystem of innovation, driven by its abundant pool of talented youth. These enterprising individuals are at the forefront of innovation, entrepreneurship, and engineering initiatives. The country's renowned universities, professional associations, and national programs provide the necessary support to empower young innovators. With a strong focus on value creation, sustainability, and innovation, Morocco's ecosystem aligns perfectly with the ethos of Hackadir.

Moreover, Morocco's commitment to sustainability and innovation extends to national initiatives that address global challenges. This commitment is reflected in its dedication to the UN 2030 agenda, and the Hackadir event provides a unique platform to channel this commitment toward Resilient Cities & Territories. In Morocco, we find a country not only ready to embrace innovation but also dedicated to addressing the pressing issues of our time.

WEF: A Global Platform for Industry Leaders.
The World Electronics Forum (WEF) has, since its inception in 1995, been a magnet for CEOs and Directors of electronics industry associations worldwide. It serves as a premier platform for these industry leaders to convene, discuss critical issues, and exchange invaluable information. WEF fosters collaboration and networking opportunities that transcend borders, driving innovation and progress in the electronics industry.By choosing Morocco as the host for its October 2023 next edition, WEF acknowledges Morocco's growing influence in the realm of innovation and sustainability. 

Hackadir: Pioneering Resilient Cities & Territories
Hackadir, the visionary hackathon, dovetails perfectly with both Morocco's aspirations and WEF's global perspective. It serves as a platform that exemplifies the power of innovation and collaboration. At a time when cities worldwide are seeking to adapt and innovate in response to the evolving global landscape, Hackadir stands as a beacon for young thinkers, visionaries, and dreamers.Hackadir's core mission is to empower students and alumni with the tools to reimagine and revolutionize the future of urban living. It calls upon those with a passion for innovation and the desire to make an impact on projects that address the UN Sustainable Development Goals. In the aftermath of the 2023 Marrakesh-Safi Earthquake, the importance of resilience in urban environments has taken center stage. The earthquake has compelled us to integrate prevention and resilience into Hackadir projects, providing participants with an opportunity to envision a future that reshapes life on Earth while preserving the safety of people and urban infrastructure from major risks.

Together, Morocco, WEF, and Hackadir represent a formidable force for innovation, sustainability, and resilience. This collaboration serves as a testament to the belief that, in the hands of talented and passionate individuals, we can shape a brighter and more resilient future for our cities and territories. The journey begins with Hackadir, where innovation knows no bounds, and the future is redefined.


Yossi Dan
Cofounder & CEO
- Challengy Lab
Frederic Najman
CTO R&D as a Service
- Challengy Lab
Assaf Luxembourg
Owner - Assaf Luxembourg
- Challengy Lab
Pascale Fressoz
AI-ODD Alliance Internationale pour les Objectifs de Développement DurableCo-Founder & VPCoalition Mondiale des ONG pour les OMD
Isabel Sitbon
Tech for Entertaining Education
Founder & CEO Agence 6-12


Yossi Dan
Cofounder & CEO
- Chutzpah Lab
Jamal Boukouray, Ph.D
Director of International Relations & Partnerships - International University of Rabat

Steering Committee

Chair of WEF 2024 Event
Charlie Alfredo
Director of Digital Event
Jessica Chin Foo
Director of Marketing & Strategic Partnerships
Director of Accounting and Finance
Claude NAHON
Media Advisor
Yossi DAN
Hackadir innovation
